Qui sommes-nous?
Notre histoire
Veteris est une équipe de chirurgiens vétérinaires et d'infirmiers hautement qualifiés qui aiment les animaux de compagnie et qui offrent un service d'urgence complet 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, grâce à un triage téléphonique efficace et à des soins d'urgence techniques dans le confort de votre maison.

Comment tout a commence
Veteris est né de la volonté d'apporter au Royaume-Uni ce qui lui manquait : un service d'urgence à domicile en dehors des heures d'ouverture.
Clara et Louis se sont rencontrés en pratiquant les consultations d'urgence à domicile en France. Aimant cette approche particulière de la médecine vétérinaire et y voyant tous ses avantages, ils se sont rendus compte qu'une ville aussi tentaculaire que Londres profiterait grandement d'un tel service et ont décidé de remédier à la situation au Royaume-Uni.
Veteris a démarré petit en novembre 2020. Trois Vétérinaires pour tout faire : triage, consultation d'urgence, tout en découvrant l'aventure start-up.
Veteris a rapidement grandi, renforcé par les nombreux propriétaires heureux de nous voir aider leurs animaux de compagnie et le cabinet prêt à nous donner une chance en nous faisant confiance comme service de garde.
Plus d'un an plus tard, Veteris est fier de son équipe complète d'infirmiers vétérinaires et de vétérinaires prêts à aider l'animal de compagnie de London.
Mais Clara, Bruxelloise de naissance, ne peut s'empêcher de regarder vers le plat pays où elle a étudié la médecine et où elle a tant appris.
Aider les animaux de Londres c'est enrichissant mais aider sa patrie c'est bien aussi! Revenant à ses racines, Veteris lance donc Veteris Belgium en 2022!
Hâte de voir ce que l'avenir nous réserve..!

Notre équipe
Rencontrez notre équipe
Rencontrez les visages des amoureux des animaux de compagnie, des vétérinaires, des infirmières de triage téléphonique dédiées à aider vos animaux de compagnie.

L artiste

le cochon d inde
Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

MRCVS. Involved in Animal Welfare and curious about all parts of vet. med. Fantasy Enthusiast 🐉, succulent specialist and collector 🌵Graduated from FVMUZ (Croatia 🇭🇷)

MRCVS. Keen to always acquire more knowledge in all aspects of veterinary medicine 📖. Truly passionate about animals and nature, I like to get back to Greece 🇬🇷 to Windsurf 🌊


L artiste

L artiste

L artiste

L artiste

L artiste

L artiste

L artiste

L artiste

L artiste

L artiste

L artiste

MRCVS, Ghent Uni grad 🇧🇪, in Scotland 🏴 since 2017. Innovating vet care 🐾🔬. Off-duty? On a Scottish mountain 🏔️ or by the Med 🌊. Pets deserve the best! 💙

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

RVN and part time farm-lady 👩🏻🌾 happily caring for my fav' 🐑 and 🐽 with the most precious of my pack of (demanding) lovely 🐩🐶.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

RVN and part time farm-lady 👩🏻🌾 happily caring for my fav' 🐑 and 🐽 with the most precious of my pack of (demanding) lovely 🐩🐶.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Proud RVN with a passion for all things ECC. Crazy dog lady 🐕. Loves outdoors, mountains and Cake 🎂

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.
Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

1 RVN working 2 jobs - enjoying ECC and helping 🐱🐶 getting back to their best shape 🐕 working as physiotherapist. Owner of Izzy (the fur ball Eurasier) and Cat, the cat 😅

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.
MRCVS. Self-confessed foodie 🍴and passionate traveler. Next step : Kilimandjaro 🗻. Fond of my patients and eager to provide the best emergency care possible 🙂

RVN and part time farm-lady 👩🏻🌾 happily caring for my fav' 🐑 and 🐽 with the most precious of my pack of (demanding) lovely 🐩🐶.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.


Elle dit bonjoiur

Elle dit bonjour

elle dit bonjour

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website. Dummy text as an example for a bio to show you how this looks on the website.

Busy traveling 🧳 since graduation, even brought back my own 🐶 from 🇦🇺. Strong ECC background ! Enthusiastic Gloucester Supporter 🏉

Proud mum of three energetic beings (2 🐩 + 1 👼🏻). Not only a mum-RVN, I own a small (but busy!) ✂️🖋️ craft business that stimulates my creativity ✨

RVN and part time farm-lady 👩🏻🌾 happily caring for my fav' 🐑 and 🐽 with the most precious of my pack of (demanding) lovely 🐩🐶.

RVN and part time farm-lady 👩🏻🌾 happily caring for my fav' 🐑 and 🐽 with the most precious of my pack of (demanding) lovely 🐩🐶.

Organiser une consultation d'urgence
Vous faites face à une urgence ?
Veteris opère 24h/24 et 7j/7 en Belgique. Inquiet ? Chaque minute compte. Contactez immédiatement notre équipe de triage téléphonique ou envoyez une demande de rappel en remplissant le formulaire ci-dessous.